Empower Parents, Enable Breastfeeding
Last week was World Breastfeeding Week 2019, the first week of National Breastfeeding Month. This year, the WBW theme is empowerment. Have you read about why it was chosen?? If not, take a moment and see below or visit World Aliance for Breastfeeding Action for more details.
“The ‘Empower Parents, Enable Breastfeeding’ was chosen to be inclusive of all types of parents in today’s world. Focusing on supporting both parents to be empowered is vital in order to realize their breastfeeding goals.
Empowerment is a process that requires evidence-based unbiased information and support to create the enabling environment where mothers can breastfeed optimally. Breastfeeding is in the mother's domain and when fathers, partners, families, workplaces, and communities support her, breastfeeding improves.
We can all support this process, as breastfeeding is a team effort. To enable breastfeeding we all need to protect, promote and support it. “
This is such a powerful message. We at Keriton are very fortunate to be able to work with clinicians and institutions that put so much into celebrating and promoting this week, and what it represents - which is just an extension of the work they do day in and day out. We wanted to highlight what some of our partners are doing. Here is a snip-it of some of what has been happening this week.
The Intensive Care Nursery - Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
The ICN is hosting a pump-a-thon to encourage moms to pump more milk for their infants. Each day during WBW we will be sending out a helpful tip to encourage more pumping via Keriton. The tips spell out the word EMPOWER.
We have set a goal volume of total breastmilk pumped for the week, and each day we will tally the milk volumes to put on our poster for all to see.
The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Intensive Care Nursery held a pump-a-thon during the 2018 World Breastfeeding Week. It was pretty great. So great in fact, they had a poster accepted on the results for this years 2019 NANN conference. Be sure you stop by and see them and the awesome work they have done!
The Special Care Nursery - Abington Memorial Hospital
Abington Hospital participates in the PRO-LC display contest each year. We have a hospital-wide competition for displays during World Breastfeeding Week.

The Special Care Nursery will have a table set up with a poster involving an interactive game. The game highlights tips to help empower breastfeeding and pumping moms. We are focusing on four of the biggest challenges to our NICU moms: building your best possible milk supply, going back to work, transitioning to feeding at the breast, and staying motivated through the challenges.
Participants will match the tips listed on cards to their corresponding challenge (pocket on the poster).
We will have prizes for participants including snacks, diaperbag/breastpump organizer bags (washable), colorful gel pens, chapstick.

Keriton wants to send a very big THANK YOU to everyone who helps support famiies in their breastfeeding journey. It is an honor for us to be able to support those who support the families.
Celebrations continue for the entire month of August. For more information, resources, and educational opportunities check out United States Breastfeeding Committee - National Breastfeeding Month.
Want to share what your unit has done this year??? Send us a write up and some photos. We will give you a shout out in next months publication.
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